Monday, June 28, 2010


I have to say I am in total shock that the NY TIMES has picked this up and is reporting on CCSVI!

Is this a turning point here in the US press?



  1. Only an occasional viewer. Can someone please tell me what is CCSVI.For the record, once told I had Fybromialgia, dx’d with MS, on Avonex for 10 years, off Avonex for 3 years now. Have vascular blockages in heart/neck/legs.But, doing very well.Check this out..

  2. Jessica Davis, diagnosed with MS in 2003, of Somerset, UK agrees: “I have my life back thanks to CCSVI Clinic and it’s the best thing I ever did for myself. They weren’t easy to find but I did my homework.” She continues: “I had to be my own advocate for both liberation therapy and the stem cells because I got no help from my own neurologist. From the day I was diagnosed, my MS was aggressive. I didn’t have much time to take action before I would get to the point where just getting out of the flat would become impossible. I was using a cane and so tired all the time. After the 12 days at CCSVI Clinic, the first thing that cleared up was the head fog and my (incontinence) and the rest has come back over the past six months. I am working again and I consider myself cured.”
    “These are typical stories for all types of neuro-degenerative diseases we are treating through CCSVI Clinic. At least with MS we are seeing significant improvement in many patients and I believe this trend of outcomes will continue” says Gupte. “We have also had some significantly positive outcomes with ALS and (cerebral) palsy. With the results we have seen in the past year, I think that the promise of stem cells is coming closer to matching the reality.”For mor details visit

  3. A significant world-wide population of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have a chronic progressive neurological disease that is characterized by increasing disabilities. No treatments are currently available that slow, halt, or reverse the advancement of the disease in established cases of MS. The frustration in a growing number of patients and their readiness to pursue unproven therapies speaks to the lack of effective treatments available and is further indicative of a vast, unmet clinical need. On the basis of evidence that there is a vascular association to MS (characterized by anomalies of primary veins in the neck that restrict the normal outflow of blood from the brain to the heart), and that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a beneficial effect in acute and chronic cases of multiple sclerosis as determined in various clinical trials, we undertook the assessment of the safety, efficacy, and reproducibility of a novel approach that has vascular-protective, neuroprotective and regenerative therapeutic potential for all phases of multiple sclerosis.For more information please visit or you may call the toll free number at 888-468-1554 or
