Tuesday, February 1, 2011

9 Days!

Well I met with my neuro yesterday and got some blood tests back. Sticking with the plan and getting visits to everyone prior to treatment!!!! I want base line with everyone.
I am not sure why but today a light bulb went off in my head. A few of you probably already had these thoughts. Neuros treating MS patients are really only a monitoring station/service. They can prescribe the "drugs", the pain pills, the depression pills, sleep aids, etc. etc and after that…there really is nothing. They can do more tests. They can see if things have changed. They can poke and prod you. Then, frankly after that there is absolutely nothing they can do…..They can say, “Keep your chin up, buckaroo” or “Let’s try a new drug” (if you take them)…..but in the end….there you are…nothing…..ZIP. 
Off my soap box and back to my appointment. Overall it went very well. My blood tests were great except my B12 1900 is in the stratosphere. After that I listened to the "drugs" talk again. The "drug" conversation, which in no way was over bearing or anything, went pretty smooth and we moved on. Reviewed my changes in symptoms, talked about sleep apnea (creeping into my life), and of course had what I will call a weak neuro exam. As an example and I will leave this alone I didn't have to walk, take an eye test, or take my shoes off. Then the 800 pound gorilla came in the room.. I asked about his thoughts on CCSVI and guess what. What is that….:(? We then discussed it for a bit. We discussed the trials going on. He asked if I had tried getting into them. Of course I replied yes in fact I have and was denied. Then the next bomb..tic..toc… I am going for the treatment on the 11th!
To me and my wife's surprise this is where things took a great turn. My neuro said 3 HUGE things to us. One, I am not against learning from my patients, two if the interventional radiologist in NY needs any test done please let me know and three he would talk with some local IRs about CCSVI and see what they may or may not be doing. KUDOS!  Then there was me and he wanted to be in the loop on what happens. I got his email address and will be forwarding him some information on CCSVI some testimonials and my information so far. This part could not have gone better for us.
So to close this out it was a worthwhile trip to the neuro.  I now have a neurological resource willing to learn and grow along with me as I go on with my MS. Good stuff.
9 days……

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